Algorithmic Game Theory, Data Science, courses, conferences, journals, and books

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Alon, N., & Spencer, J. H. (2016). The probabilistic method (Fourth edition. ed.). Wiley.

Echenique, F., N. Immorlica and V. V. Vazirani (2023). Online and matching-based market design. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Blum, A., J. E. Hopcroft and R. Kannan (2020). Foundations of data science. New York, NY, Cambridge University Press.

Nisan, N. (2007). Algorithmic game theory. Cambridge University Press.

Vazirani, V. V. (2001). Approximation algorithms. Berlin ; New York, Springer.

Lovász, L. s. and M. D. Plummer (1986). Matching theory. Amsterdam ; New York New York, N.Y., North-Holland.

TTIC 31260 - Algorithmic Game Theory (Spring 2024)

TTIC 31150/CMSC 31150 - Mathematical Toolkit (Spring 2023)

COURSE: CS 15-892 Foundations of Electronic Marketplaces

Artificial Intelligence: Representation and Problem Solving

ACM Conference - Economics and Computation

ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation

International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory